There is no magic pill to a thriving portrait business, however, when you start delivering the top-tier, legendary customer service skills that I am going to teach you in this course, your happy customers will be marketing your business for you. There will be less pressure to stress over e-mail lists, newsletters, and keeping up with social media algorithms. By delivering the highest caliber of customer service to your clients, you will level up your business, your reputation, and your job satisfaction in the purest, most sustainable of ways.
Start here.
02. Accountability Workbook PDF .pdf
WEEK 1: Customer Service 101
It's important to lay a solid foundation for a customer service mindset, so in this first introductory lesson, we'll do a quick attitude check-up and I'll remind you of the standard service principles necessary for a sustainable, successful, and thriving service-based business.
03. Week 1 Video Lesson — 30 min
04. Week 1 Audio Only.mp3 — 30 min
WEEK 2: Customer Service Timeline I // BEFORE THE SHOOT
Brace yourself for a big week. In this lesson, we are going to thoroughly cover all of the ways in which we can impress and serve our prospective clients and clients before we've even captured a single photo. I'm going to help you make your website more effective, your client communications more thorough, your workflow more streamlined, and ensure that you are making an impeccable first impression that will posture you as a professional while increasing your job satisfaction and simplifying your workload.
05. Week 2 Video Lesson — 1h 40m 48s
06. Week 2 Audio Only.mp3 — 1h 40m 48s
WEEK 3: Customer Service Timeline II // ON SHOOT DAY
By the time shoot day rolls around, you've already blown your client away with legendary service. Now it's time to give them star treatment in person. In this week's lesson, I'll share how I ready myself and my space for a client's arrival, how to serve throughout the shoot, how to properly close out a session and prepare your client for the next steps. Your client will leave their session feeling on top of the world and eager to spread the (good) word about you to their friends!
07. Week 3 Video Lesson — 1h 04m 44s
08. Week 3 Audio Only.mp3 — 1h 04m 44s
09. Week 3 Bonus Download Studio Service Kit List.pdf
10. Week 3 Bonus Download Hair and makeup considerations.pdf
WEEK 4: Customer Service Timeline III // AFTER THE SHOOT
Service shouldn't stop just because the shoot is over. In this week's lesson, I'll share with you how to provide legendary service throughout the viewing and ordering process, the product delivery, and well beyond shoot day. We'll plant the seed for repeat experiences, and will nurture the referral side of your business.
11. Week 4 Video Lesson — 1h 15m 44s
12. Week 4 Audio Only.mp3 — 1h 15m 44s
In this bonus lesson, I will guide you through a simple 4-step process in handling common customer service situations in portrait businesses. What do you do when a client wants to cancel last minute because they don't feel like being photographed? What do you do when a client's partner is not being supportive during a photo viewing? In week 5's lesson, I'll guide you through not only the resolution of these kinds of common conundrums, but also how to prevent recurrences.
13. Week 5 Video Lesson — 37 min
14. Week 5 Audio Only.mp3 — 37 min
15. Week 5 Customer Service Conundrums.pdf
16. Week 5 Bonus Digital Photo Use PDF.pdf
17. Thank You from Kara Marie.pdf
18. Certificate of Completion.jpg
As an educator, Kara Marie’s teaching style is approachable and her content is created to help students find their unique style and voice in their business and art. Thoughtfully curated for all experience levels, her photography education has expanded to include coaching entrepreneurs in creativity, customer service, and general life balance. Delivering an array of workshops, keynote presentations, and online educational courses throughout her career, she continues her work to embolden her students around the world.